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Reporting and evaluation

Setting clear goals allows you to act decisively before and during an event and assists with your subsequent review of performance and outcomes.

These goals should be simple, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based – and all stakeholders need to be aware of them. It is important to match the options for improvement to your goals identified in your Waste Management Plan.

Record your defined goals next to your options for improvement on the following Goals and Options for Improvement Template. To support this, your event may include:

  • a detailed audit of waste streams collected and processing destinations
  • seeking feedback from vendors and patrons on the event’s waste management systems
  • requirements in the contract for waste collection and processing service providers to provide reports on waste tonnage or other measures such as contamination rates
  • review of event waste management costs.

These processes will help identify what was effective and what areas needed improvement, how signage or bin infrastructure may be altered, and what recommendations should be made for future events.

Establishing a reporting process for events and documenting waste minimisation and recycling actions and progress will enable post-event communications and reporting to organisers and sponsors and potentially promote the events achievements.

Examples of options for improvement and goals and targets
  • Reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill by 20% (based on previous years or standard level).
  • Increase the amount of recycled material (by either tonnage or %) collected (based on previous years or standard level).
  • Require all vendors to use certified compostable food service ware and provide composting systems for food and compostable packaging waste.
  • Increase the proportion of organics and recycling bins to general waste bins.
  • Become a recognised leader in running a sustainably focused event or venue.
  • Minimise contamination of recycling and/or composting bins (based on previous years or standard level).

Reporting can be input into the Calculator to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and other savings as a result of waste and recycling actions.